Micromastia (small/under developed

Micromastia is a medical term describing the postpubertal underdevelopment of a woman's breast tissue. Micromastia can be bilateral (affecting both breasts) or unilateral (when one breast is disproportionately small compared to the other). Micromastia can impact day-to-day lifestyle and self-esteem of a woman.

What is Breast Augmentation (Implants)?

Breast augmentation is a procedure to reshape the breast with an implant to make it larger. The procedure can also be done to reconstruct the breast following breast surgery. Many women opt to have breast augmentation surgery in order to improve their body image by changing the shape of their breasts or increasing their fullness. For some women who have had children or lost a great deal of weight, breast enhancement can restore lost volume.

About Breast Augmentation?

Breast Augmentation Surgery is performed under a general anaesthetic. The surgery takes Dr Alzubaidy approximately 1-2 hours. You will be able to go home on the same day – this is a day stay surgery.


The incision points can be made at the breast fold (inframammary incision) or through the nipple (periareolar incision). Dr Alzubaidy will discuss this with you in your consultation. The incision scarring will fade with time, though you will have some permanent scars. Dr Alzubaidy will be careful about where the incisions are made so that scars are as hidden as they can be.


There are many factors to consider when choosing your implants, these include your options about the size, shape and type (silicone gel or saline) of the implant, the implant surface (textured vs smooth). Each type of implant has advantages and disadvantages. Dr Alzubaidy will discuss the types of implants with you and help determine which type is best for you.

Possible complications of breast implant surgery:

  • Infection is most common within a week after surgery. The infection can be treated with antibiotics or, in severe cases, the implant is removed for several months until the infection has resolved and a new implant is inserted.
  • Capsular contracture - A capsular contracture may occur if the scar or capsule around the implant begins to tighten. This may change the appearance of your breast or, in some cases, cause discomfort. Treatment can involve removing the implant and capsule and/or the removal or replacement of the implant. The condition can recur.
  • Oversensitive, undersensitive, or numb nipples. Oversensitivity, undersensitivity, or small patches of numbness near the incisions may occur in some people. The symptoms usually disappear with time, but may be permanent in some people.
  • Leaking or rupture of silicone or saline implants or rupturing of the implant may occur as a result of an injury, or even from the normal compression and movement of the breast and implant.
  • Rippling of the implants- In thin people, the implant edges can be seen under the skin. It is normal to feel the implant edge at the side and bottom of the breast.

    Recovery from surgery

    Dr Alzubaidy will advise you about the care you will need after surgery.

    • Generally, you will have some discomfort, similar to what you would feel with a pulled muscle. The pain is generally easily controlled by pain medications.
    • Swelling should begin to disappear in a matter of weeks and resolve completely in a few months.
    • You should plan to take off one week from work, depending on the nature of your work.
    • Mild to moderate exercise is acceptable. Refraining from running, jumping, lifting or push-up type exercises are not advised for 4-6 weeks. Dr Alzubaidy will give you specific instructions about when you can resume normal activity and exercise.
    • You will also have a post-operative bra to wear for 6weeks after your surgery.