Macromastia (large breasts)

Macromastia is a condition where an individual’s breast size is disproportionally large in comparison with their other body dimensions. Macromastia can cause physical issues, for example; neck strain, headaches, aching shoulders, low back pain, chronic infections under the breast fold, and reduced quality of life.

How is macromastia treated?

Macromastia can be treated surgically. The surgery is referred to as ‘Breast Reduction’ surgery or also known as ‘Reduction Mammoplasty’. Surgical intervention is one method to reduce the breast size to a more manageable size and improve the life of the individual.

Many times, health insurance will cover this procedure if you meet certain criteria.

What is a breast reduction (Mammoplasty)?

A breast reduction is an operation to make your breasts smaller and, sometimes, to improve their shape.

What are the benefits of surgery?

Your breasts should be smaller and have a better shape.

Are there any alternatives to surgery?

If you are overweight, you may be able to reduce the size of your breasts by losing weight. You may find it easier to cope with large breasts by wearing a custom-made bra or corset.

Liposuction (using a thin, hollow tube to remove fat from under your skin) may be appropriate for some women to reduce breast volume.

What does the operation involve?

The operation is performed under a general anaesthetic and usually takes about 2hours. Dr Alzubaidy will make a cut on the line of the areola (the darker area around your nipple) and a vertical cut underneath your areola. He will remove some of your excess breast tissue, fat and skin. If your breasts are large, he may also need to make a cut on the crease under your breast (inframammary fold). This will leave an anchor-shaped scar.

General complications of any operation include;

  • Pain
  • Bleeding
  • Scarring
  • Infection of the surgical site (wound)
  • Blood clot in your leg
  • Blood clot in your lung

Specific complications

  • Developing a collection of blood (haematoma) or fluid (seroma) inside the breast
  • Developing a hard lump inside the breast
  • Numbness or continued pain
  • Loss of skin including areola and nipple
  • Stiff shoulder
  • Change of breast and sensation
  • Reduced ability to breast feed

How soon will I recover?

  • You should be able to go home the next day.
  • You should be able to return to normal activities after 2 to 3 weeks.
  • You should be able to return to work after a week, depending on your type of work.
  • Regular exercise should help you to return to normal activities as soon as possible. Before you start exercising, ask Dr Alzubaidy for advice.

The results of a breast reduction improve gradually over time. Your breasts should become softer and more natural, and the scars should fade.

What is a Mastopexy (breast lift procedure)?

Whether because of aging, pregnancy, natural causes, or other reasons, some women wish to change the size or shape of their breasts. You may opt for cosmetic procedures to make your breast size and/or shape more pleasing to you.

What is breast lift surgery?

A breast lift, also called mastopexy, offers women the opportunity to raise and firm their breasts. The procedure raises the breasts by removing excess skin, tightening the tissue, and moving the nipples up.

What to expect during breast lift surgery?

The procedure, will take Dr Alzubaidy anywhere from 1-3 hours. You will be given a general anaesthetic to put you to sleep while the procedure is performed.

Pain is typically minimal and well tolerated. There may be minor bruising and swelling is normal. Dr Alzubaidy will prescribe pain medication and give you specific directions for taking care when you go home.

How soon will I recover?

After several days, you’ll be able to move around comfortably, though Dr Alzubaidy will likely tell you to avoid straining, bending and lifting for a few weeks after the surgery. You may need to sleep on your back for several weeks and you will need to wear a special support bra for a period of time. It’s likely that you will need to stay home from work for a few days to a week.

The swelling should begin to disappear in a matter of weeks and resolve completely in a few months. However, you can expect to see scars for as long as a year and they will likely never fade completely.